Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Watson
Mrs Kitchen
Please log on to 'Google Classroom' for ongoing updates about class activities and homework.
Please find here a link to our local Secondary School, Poynton High:
Our Autumn theme is 'The Battle of Britain'
We are excited to welcome you back into school and start our 'Battle of Britain' adventure. Stepping back less than a century and delving in to a pivotal time period in British history.
During our English lessons, we will be studying and exploring fiction and non-fiction texts connected with our theme. We will be reading and writing narratives, news reports, poetry, persuasive arguments and non-chronological reports. An exciting debate will be held to discuss what the turning point of World War 2 was.
Guided Reading
Whole class Guided Reading this term will focus on the historical novel 'Goonight Mister Tom'
″‘I must be good,’ he whispered urgently. ‘I must be good,’ and he rubbed a sore spot on his arm. He was such a bad boy. Mum said she was kinder to him than most mothers. She only gave him soft beatings.”
Maths sessions will include developing knowledge of place value, all four operations, fractions, and Geometry – shape, position and direction.
In science we will study light and explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. We will also study electricity and components function. Including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches The sessions will compliment our theme work.
Foundation subjects
Our weekly PE sessions will see us mastering the skills involved in Tennis and Basketball. Whilst our indoor sessions will be focused on Dance and Gymnastics.
Within History, we will be exploring the 'The Battle of Britain' and developing our key skills in the analysis of cultural & religious changes, critical analysis of sources, and comparing/contrasting with British History.
Our Geography units will involve us looking at the maps of the D-Day landing and undertaking fieldwork in our local area.
During our Computing sessions we will be looking at computing systems and networks as a means of communication and, also 3D modelling.
Our Project Evolve focus for Autumn 1 will be Self-image and Identity and for Autumn 2 will be looking at Online Relationships.
In Art, we will be creating textured drawings using stitching techniques to enhance the images. Design and Technology will have Year Six using their sewing skills to ‘make do and mend’ using recycled materials.
Language sessions this term will cover ‘A l’école’ – Discussing what subjects you like and dislikeand ‘La Seconde Guerre Mondiale’– The Second World War
In our Music lessons this term, we will be understanding and singing songs of World War II and notating a melody. We will also be taking part in whole class instrumental lessons.
Within RE we will be focusing on includes how beliefs about God have changed and how religious/ non-religious people explain suffering.
Our whole class PSHE will cover 'Famlies and Friendships' and 'Safe Relationships'. We will continue to have weekly Happy Mind Sessions.
Your homework will be detailed on Google Classroom weekly.
The homework will include an English and Maths task on LBQ which runs Monday-Friday. At times, it may also be a topic based project.
We ask that you continue to read at home. Reading both aloud to a grown up and silently to yourself are both important skills to continue practising throughout this year.
Spelling Frame word lists will be uploaded weekly to be practised at home to support our grammar lessons.We will focus on words taken from the Year 5/6 spelling list which you can find within the ‘Files to download’ section of this webpage. During our English and Grammar sessions in school we will practise these but they will also thread into our learning throughout the week.