Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)
What is SMSC?
SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is the over-arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum. At Vernon Primary School, SMSC is at the heart of everything we do each day... it threads through our daily practice, through our RE and PSHE curriculum, our Relationships education, our promotion of British Values and our whole-school values and ethos, as well as our Curriculum Values. It is part of the essence of who we are and who we strive to be at Vernon Primary School.
See below for more detail about each aspect and how we fulfil these core areas of development with our children:
At Vernon Primary School, we encourage our children to explore different beliefs and experiences; respect different faiths, feelings and values; learn about themselves, others and the surrounding world; use their imagination and creativity and reflect on their own unique experiences.
We do this through:
- Growth Mindset Work
- Artwork to support diversity and different faiths and beliefs
- RE curriculum, following the Cheshire East SACRE programme of study
- Themed assemblies
- Special visitors to enhance our curriculum
- Links with local places of worship
- Appreciation and respect of children in school who practice different religions
- Singing/music opportunities
- PSHE curriculum in line with the PSHE Association thematic approach
- Recognition of important religious festivals such as Eid, Chinese New Year, Diwali
- Educational visits to places of worship, as well as visitors from different faiths into school
- Listening to music from around the world
- Restorative Approaches which encourage reflection on respect, feelings and valuing others
- Drama that threads through the curriculum to enhance learning
At our school, we are committed to teaching our children to recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned views.
Examples include:
- Pupil voice/pupil questionnaires/worry boxes/'ask it' baskets
- School and classroom rules
- School Motto
- Positive reward systems and our behaviour policy
- House points and Dojos (whole school)
- Celebration and Praise assemblies
- Attendance rewards
- PSHE curriculum in line with the PSHE Association thematic approach
- Themed weeks or days (e.g Anti-bullying week)
- Restorative Approaches
- Visits to school from members of the local community
- Assemblies with a PSHE theme
- 'Power For Good' School Captains
- E-safety lessons and themed days (e.g. Safer Internet Day)
- English lessons exploring stories with morals (e.g. fables and traditional tales)
- School Council with active members who contribute to school life
- Pupil responsibilities, Year 6 applications and appointments for roles across school, such as Sports Ambassadors, House Captains and Music Maestros
- School Council and Eco Committee meetings
- Safeguarding and wellbeing committee meetings and assemblies
- Newsround in classes to explore recent news and events
We endeavour to equip our children with a range of social skills that can be transferred to many different situations both in and out of school. We provide opportunities for all our children to participate in the local community and engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
We do this by:
- School Council and Eco Committee campaign and the election process
- Pupil responsibilities, Year 6 applications and appointments for roles across school, such as Sports Ambassadors, House Captains and Music Maestros
- Visitors to school from the local community
- School choir, 'Vernon Voices' band and all of its community links
- Community events (community concerts, charity fundraising etc.)
- Bikeability and Safe Scooter training
- Fire safety (visitor)
- ‘British Values/PSHE themed assemblies
- School Values and Motto
- 'Power For Good' School Captains
- Positive reward systems and our behaviour policy
- Residential visits (Years 3 to 6)
- PSHE curriculum in line with the PSHE Association thematic approach
- Talking partners
- Growth Mindset Work
- Cooperative group work
- Empowering children to make positive choices and develop problem solving strategies
- Visits to other schools to take part in special events (e.g. sports tournaments, Maths competitions, Art Exhibitions)
- Drama that threads through the curriculum to enhance learning
- Visitors to school
- Celebration/Praise assemblies
- Restorative approaches and sessions that focus on conflict resolution
- Reading Partners/book buddies
- Spoken Language curriculum activities
- Extra-curricular opportunities
- Sports coaches in to deliver PE lessons
- Shows and performances
- Charity events and opportunities
- Playtime and lunchtime games
- Books added to the Reading Hub representing diversity in Britain, relationships and families
- Strong, positive Links with parents
At Vernon, we provide our children with many opportunities throughout the curriculum to appreciate cultural influences and participate in cultural capital opportunities; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
Some examples include:
- Cultural Capital Opportunities (see Cultural Capital Map)
- Community links threading through the Curriculum
- School Council and Eco Committee election
- Visits from the MP
- Celebration of Current Events (e.g. World Cup, Olympics, Royal weddings and births)
- Celebration/Praise Assemblies
- RE curriculum, following the Cheshire East SACRE programmes of study and themed assemblies
- PSHE curriculum in line with the PSHE Association thematic approach
- Recognition of important religious festivals such as Eid, Chinese New Year, Diwali
- Artwork to support diversity and different faiths and beliefs
- Educational visits and special visitors into school
- Music enrichment and specialist teaching, Vernon Voices (Choir)
- School Values and Ethos
- History Curriculum (British History)
- Exploring other countries through themed work
- Food tasting and themed lunches (e.g. Chinese New Year lunch)
- Participation in fundraising activities and charity events
- Inter-school events
- Theatre visits