Study Books
At Vernon Primary School, the children, staff and parents are very proud of the children’s study books. Each year, from Year 1 in Key Stage 1, up to Year 6 in Key Stage 2, children create a study book each term relating to their class theme. These books showcase the final end points of each unit of work, acting as a talking tool for learning and enabling children to remember the knowledge they have acquired throughout the term.
The study book brings together the end points for Science and every Foundation subject, demonstrating the knowledge the children have in each subject within the termly theme. It provides the children, teachers and parents with a talking point for learning.
Work is presented in a range of different ways to excite, engage and motivate the children to learn and then to celebrate their work once collected in their study book. The work may be presented in different ways: it may be mounted work, in little books, a QR code, it may include photos or pop out work. This method develops children's independence and creativity, two of our school values.
Throughout Key Stage 1, children are supported in presenting their work; children are involved in discussion of what could go in their study book and how it could be presented. The children develop their skills to take ownership of their own study book. As children move through Key Stage 2, this develops to become increasingly child-led and by Year 6, children will be designing their own study books and presenting them themselves, encouraging more individuality.
The children take their study books home at the end of each school year. They are proud to talk about their knowledge in each curriculum area within an innovative, creative termly book.